- ○Y. Ishii, H. Washizu, G. Watanabe, “On Structural and Transport Properties of Confined Water in Functional Soft Materials Investigated by Using All-Atom MD Calculation with Self-Consistent Modeling Scheme (Oral, Invited Talk)”, ICMS2023, Taipei, 2023/10/6-9.
- ○Y. Ishii, K. Kawakita, H. Koshima, H. Washizu, “On the aggregation and thermodynamic properties of organophosphate-based additives in a base oil observed by molecular dynamics simulation (Oral)”, MIPE 2022, Nagoya, 2022/8/28-31.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Go Watanabe, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, Takashi Kato, Hitoshi Washizu, “Molecular Insights on Ionic Nanochannel and the Hydration Properties of Self-Organized Ionic Liquid Crystals” (Oral), Pacifichem2021, Honolulu (USA) and Online, 2021/12/16-21.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Mathieu Salanne, Norikazu Ohtori, “Evaluation of Transport Properties of Molten Alkaline-Earth Halides and Oxyhalides Using Polarizable Ion Model (Oral, Invited Talk)”, 7th Asian Conference on Molten Salts Chemistry and Technology, Online, 2021/11/20.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, Hitoshi Washizu, “Molecular Modeling of Ionic Liquids and their Analogues via Self-Consistent Scheme with MD and DFT Methods” (Poster), CCP2021, Online, 2021/8/1-5.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, “Predicting Transport Properties of Ionic Liquids by Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation with DFT-based Force Field” (Poster), MRM2019, Yokohama, 2019/12/11-14.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, “Force-Fitted Potential of Ionic Liquids Determined by Self-Consistent Scheme Combining MD and DFT methods” (Poster), ICMS2019, Jeju, 2019/11/3-6.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, Kenji Shinozaki, Philip Salmon, Anita Zeidler, Mathieu Salanne, Norikazu Ohtori, “Modelling of Oxide Glasses Based on First-Principles Calculation: Predicting Structural and Transport Properties of Silicates, Aluminosilicates, and Borates” (Poster), PACRIM13, Naha, 2019/10/27-11/1.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, “Advanced Molecular Force Fields of Ionic Liquids for Transport Property Analysis: Development on the Basis of First-Principles DFT Calculation” (Oral), APPChE2019, Sapporo, 2019/9/23-27.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, “Transport Property Analysis of Ionic Liquids and their Mixtures by Using MD Simulation with Advanced Non-Polarizable Force Field” (Poster), APPChE2019, Sapporo, 2019/9/23-27.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Ryosuke Ishizuka, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, “Transport properties of ionic liquids with advanced non-polarizable force fields based on first-principles calculations” (Poster), Joint EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2018, Nagoya, 2018/11/4-8.
- ○Yoshiki Ishii, Mathieu Salanne, Thibault Charpentier, Ryosuke Ishizuka, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, Norikazu Ohtori, “Local Structures and Transport Properties of Alkali and Alkaline-Earth Aluminosilicates obtained with DFT-based Force Fields” (Oral), ICG Annual Meeting 2018, Yokohama (Japan), 2018/9/23-26.
- ○Y. Ishii, R. Ishizuka and N. Matubayasi, Atomic Charge Distribution for the Force-Field Development of Ionic Liquids (poster), CPMD Workshop 2017, Tsukuba (Japan), October 18-20 2017.
- ○Y. Ishii, N. Ohtori, M. Salanne, R. Ishizuka and N. Matubayasi, Polarization effects on transport properties of molten alkali halides and the ionic liquids of 1-alkyl-3-metylimidazolium halides (poster), EMLG/JMLG Annual Meeting 2017, Vienna (Austria), September 10-14 2017.
- ○Y. Ishii, N. Ohtori and N. Matubayasi, Molecular Insights into Transport Coefficients and the Stokes-Einstein Relation in Simple Liquids (poster), Thermodynamics 2017, Edinburgh (UK), September 5-8 2017.
- ○Y. Ishii and N. Ohtori, Molecular Effects on the Boundary Condition in Stokes-Einstein equation (poster), 4th International Conference on Molecular Simulation, Shanghai (China), October 23-26 2016.
- ○Y. Ishii, K. Kasahara, M. Salanne, T. Charpentier, K. Shiraki and N. Ohtori, Atomistic Insight for Bond Strength of Bridging Oxygens in Aluminosilicate Glasses (oral), 13th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials, Halifax (Canada), July 24-29 2016.
- ○Y. Ishii, K. Kasahara, M. Salanne, T. Charpentier, L. Cormier, K. Shiraki and N. Ohtori, A Transferable Force Field Based on First-Principles Calculation for Silicates and Aluminosilicates (poster), 13th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials, Halifax (Canada), July 24-29 2016.
- ○Y. Ishii and N. Ohtori, Transport properties and the Stokes-Einstein relation of simple liquids and molten salts (poster), EMLG-JMLG annual meeting, Rostock (Germany), September 6-10 2015.
- ○Y. Ishii and N. Ohtori, Stokes-Einstein relation in fully molecular scale: Self-diffusion of monoatomic and molecular solutes (oral), 34th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Prague (Czech Republic), August 30-September 3 2015.
- ○Y. Ishii, S. Kasai, M. Salanne, and N. Ohtori, Transport coefficients and the Stokes-Einstein relation of molten salts (poster), 34th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Prague (Czech Republic), August 30-September 3 2015.
- ○Y. Ishii, K. Kasahara, N. Ohtori, K. Shiraki, N. Umesaki, M. Salanne, and P. A. Madden, Potential Development of Borate Crystals, Glasses and Melts Based on First-Principles Calculation (poster), International Symposium on Extended Molecular Dynamics and Enhanced Sampling, Tokyo (Japan), November 10-11 2014.
- ○Y. Ishii, K. Kasahara, N. Ohtori, K. Shiraki, N. Umesaki, M. Salanne, and P. A. Madden, Modeling of Interionic Interaction in Borate Crystals Based on First-Principles Calculation (poster), The 8th International Conference on Borate Glasses, Crystals and Melts, Pardubice (Czech Republic), June 30-July 4 2014.
- ○Y. Ishii, K. Sato, N. Ohtori, M. Salanne, and P. A. Madden, Thermal conductivity in binary and ternary mixed system of molten alkali halides (poster), 3rd International Conference on Molecular Simulation, Hyogo (Japan), November 18-20 2013.
- ○Y. Ishii, T. Oono, K. Sato, N. Suemasa, N. Ohtori, M. Salanne, and P. A. Madden, Thermal conductivity of molten salt mixtures by MD simulation (oral), The 3rd International Congress on Natural Sciences, Niigata (Japan), October 12-14 2013.
- ○Y. Ishii, T. Ono, K. Sato, N. Ohtori, M. Salanne, and P. A. Madden, Thermal conductivity of molten salts: origin of the temperature dependence (oral), Joint Seminar Research Camp 2013 & Niigata Global Graduate Research Forum 2013, Niigata (Japan), January 11 2013.
- ○Y. Ishii, K. Sato, N. Ohtori, M. Salanne, C. Simon, P. Turq, and P. A. Madden, Thermal conductivity of molten alkali fluorides and their mixtures (poster), Nuclear Materials Conference 2012, Osaka (Japan), October 22-25 2012.
- ○Y. Ishii, Y. Nagata, N. Ohtori, A. Uehara, T. Fujii, H. Yamana, and K. Minato, Local structure around uranyl ion in concentrated aqueous solution of LiCl by MD simulation (poster), 4th Asian Conference on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology & 44th Symposium on Molten Salt Chemistry, Miyagi (Japan), October 23-27 2012.